Unconscious Or Coma Treatment

Unconscious Or Coma Treatment

1. Stabilization of the vital signs

• Breathing:

Check cyanosis, breathing depth and pattern . Any need for oxygen, intubation & ventilation.

• Circulation:

Establish an IV line, IV canula, if low BP give fluids/ dopamine.

2. Send investigations if needful

Blood sugar, ECG, CBP, Urine and Chest X ray, Urea and serum creatinine

Electrolytes Na+, K+, CI-, serum lactate, anion gap, serum osmolality

LFT, ammonia, Arterial blood gases, Drug levels estimation, PSE

3. Vitamin B1 100mg and Dextrose 50% 50ml IV stat

Estimate RBS as early as possible

4. Disease History of coma or unconsciousness:-

Complaints ofPossible diagnosis
Anti diabetic drugs missed / irregular treatment, Diabetic untreated, missed insulinHyperosmolar Diabetic coma, Hyponatremia Ketoacidosis
HypertensionHypertensive encephalopathy, thrombosis, embolism or hemorrhage or SAH, stroke
EpilepsyPostictal state, Drug overdose, aspiration hypoxia
Bronchial asthma, COPDCarbon dioxide narcosis  Hypoxia
Ischemic heart diseaseAcute myocardial infarction,  Embolic stroke
Renal diseaseMetabolic acidosis, Uremic encephalopathy
Liver diseaseHepatic encephalopathy
On DiureticHypokalemia, Hyponatremia (use of diuretics), electrolyte imbalance
On anticoagulation, Bleeding tendencyIntracerebral bleed
Disease History of coma or unconsciousness:-

5. Patients state and symptoms prior to become unconscious/ comatose :-

Events preceding the coma/ unconsciousness  Possible diagnosis
Raised ICT- sudden, convulsions progressive headache vomiting blurred vision (ICSOL) Intracranial space occupying lesion
History of head injury, hematoma (even trivial injury, in last 6 months  Chronic subdural hematoma
History of sudden Severe headache convulsion and vomitingCVA- Hemorrhage/ Subarachnoid hemorrhage (neck stiffness)
Vomiting / diarrhoeaDehydration & electrolyte imbalance, CVA, Venous sinus thrombosis
Blood lossshock
Fever with CNS symptomsBrain abscess, meningitis/encephalitis, Subdural empyema
High grade feverTyphoid/ Pneumonia/Malaria
AlcoholismWernicke’s encephalopathy, Hypoglycemia, Alcohol intoxication, Hepatic encephalopathy, Lactic acidosis, Methyl alcohol poisoning, Chronic subdural hematoma
Drug addictionDrug withdrawal, Drug effect  
Depression/ stressAttempted poisoning/ suicide
Chest pain palpitationsMI, Cardiogenic shock
Patients state and symptoms prior to become unconscious/ comatose

Examination to find out possibilitie.

5. ExaminationProbabilities
AnemiaBlood loss, Haematological CRF, Alcoholism
CyanosisCOPD/ Asthma- hypoxia
ClubbingBronchogenic CA, Cirrhosis
OedemaChronic liver disease, Cardiac failure, Renal cause
LymphadenopathyTB/ HIV / Lymphoma
JaundiceHepatic coma
Bleeding / PurpuraHaematological malignancies, Septicemia, Leptospirosis
Skin resh/ blistersBarbiturates poisoning, Vasculitis, Meningococcal
FeverMeningitis/ encephalitis/ Cerebral malaria/ Enteric Septicaemia
HypothermiaMyxedema coma, CRF
HypertensionHypertensive encephalopathy, CVA/SAH
Pulse Irregularly irregular (AF)Embolic stroke
DehydrationHypovolemic shock, electrolyte imbalance
Smell of poisonPoisoning
Examination to find out possibilities of coma or unconsciousness:-

6. CNS examination –

Glasgow coma scale, pupils, dolls eye movement, deep tendon reflexes, power (movemnt of limbs), tone, superficial reflexes, sensations, neck stiffness, etc.

7. Unconscious Or Coma Treatment After Cause Confirmation:-

find out the cause of coma & treat like

dextrose I/V for hypoglycemia,

Aspirin for ischemic stroke,

Adenosine for PSVT,

Thrombolysis, angioplasty, CABG for Heart attack (MI),

Anti-epilepticus (eg. Levetiracetam) for Seizures,

I/V ceftriaxone and vancomycin for meningitis & add metronidazole for brain abscess,

Dialysis for Kidney failure (CKD),

Liver transplantation for hepatic coma, etc.

Read more https://drrakeshukeymd.com/general-question-answer-drugs/

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3 thoughts on “Unconscious Or Coma Treatment”

  1. Unconscious or coma treatment help me in management relative and to improve my knowledge it is great website thank you

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