Psychiatry In Medicine

Psychiatry In Medicine

Aggressive Psychiatric patient:

  1. Inj. Serenace 5mg (Haloperidol) +Phenergan 12.5mg IM stat.
  2. Psychiatric consultation.

Alcohol withdrawal:

For withdrawal syndromes (anxiety, sweating, tremor, impairment of sleep,    convulsions, hallucination)

  1. Inj. Lorazepam or Diazepam or Chlordiazepoxide (librium) 1 amp slow IV stat.
  2. Inj. Thiamine 100 mg IV stat.
  3. Tab. Lorazepam 2mg 1-1-2 or tab Dizepam 5mg 1-1-२  tab librium 25 mg 1-1-1-2 ×2 weeks, then slowly taper.
  4. Tab. Thiamine 100mg OD/BD × 2 weeks.
  5. Stop alcohol.
  6. Once patien’s stmptoms have decreased ie. After detixification, Anti craving agents may be started

Tab Baclofen 20-30 mg HS to continue.

Panic disorder: Psychiatry In Medicine

  1. Inj. Lorazepam or Diazepam for initial control.

Start on.

     2.   Tab Escitalopram 10 mg 0-0-1

     3.   Tab clonazepam O.5 mg 0-0-1

     4.   Then refer

MUSS, Medically Unexplained Somatic Symptoms

  1. Tab. Escitalopram 10 mg 0-0-1
  2. Counselling

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