PCOS is characterized by chronic anovulation, clinical and/or biochemical hyperandrogenism & polycystic ovaries.

Diagnostic clinical feature includes menstrual dysfunction, acne, obesity, infertility, hirsutism, metabolic syndrome & associated with Hypertension, Endometrial hyperplasia/carcinoma, depression, Fatty liver disease, Mood disturbances and increased risk of diabetes mellitus, & cardiovascular disease.


primary role for insulin resistance with hyperinsulinemia.

Increased GnRH pulsations from hypothalamus leads to increased LH production & limited FSH production.

Hyperandrogenism: Ovaries are main source of androgens excess (75% of circulating testosterone originates in ovary).

Polycystic ovaries have thickened thecal layers & overexpressed LH receptors, that causes excess androgen secretion.

Ovarian follicles: Abnormal androgen signaling which account for abnormal folliculo genesis & leads to polycystic ovaries.

Obesity results to compensatory hyperinsulinemia: PCOS women have insulin resistance similar in type 2 DM.

Elevated insulin decrease sex hormone binding globulin, & increasing bioavailability of testosterone.

Insulin acts directly on ovaries, adrenal glands, and hypothalamus to enhance production of androgen.

Insulin resistance causes elevation of level of insulin & usually associated metabolic syndrome or DM.


A diagnosis of PCOS must have three criteria-

(1) androgen excess & clinical hyperandrogenism or increased total or free testosterone;

(2) ovarian dysfunction & oligoanovulation or polycystic ovarian morphology;

(3) absence of other causes of testosterone excess or anovulation like pregnancy, thyroid dysfunction, neoplastic testosterone secretion, 21-hydroxylase deficiency, Cushing syndrome, or hyperprolactinemia.

Symptoms & Signs:

PCOS presents as a menstrual disorder- amenorrhea to menorrhagia & infertility.

Peripheral androgen excess- hirsutism and acne

Signs of insulin resistance & hyperinsulinemia, increased risk of metabolic syndrome & early-onset type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Pregnant patients are at increased risk of perinatal complications, like gestational diabetes and preeclampsia.

Increased risk for endometrial cancer because of unopposed secretion of estrogen.


PCOS- LH/FSH level ≥2.5 to 3.0 in about 50% of PCOS women. USG shows polycystic ovaries.

Transvaginal USG: one or both ovaries with ≥12 follicles measuring 2 to 9 mm or increased in ovarian volume to 10 cm3.

Do serum FSH, LH, hemoglobin A1C, fasting glucose, lipid profile, fasting insulin, C-peptide, BMI.

Determination of anovulation- a midluteal phase progesterone level (>3 ng/mL if woman has ovulated).

Anovulation due to

(1) premature ovarian failure (low estradiol, high FSH)- do estradiol, FSH.

(2) functional hypothalamic amenorrhea, that is associated with rapid weight loss or extreme physical exertion (low to normal LH & FSH for age)- do LH, FSH.

(3) discontinuation of hormonal contraceptives (return of ovulation occurs within 90 days).

(4) pituitary adenoma with prolactin elevation (galactorrhea may present)- do prolactin.

(5) hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism- do thyroid function test.

(6) pregnancy- do human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).

Hirsutism- do free testosterone determination (total testosterone minus SHBG) and a DHEAS.

Clinical evidence of androgen excess- do total testosterone, free (bioavailable) testosterone,

& 17-hydroxyprogesterone.

Cushing syndrome- 24-hour urinary free cortisol or a low-dose dexamethasone suppression test.

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia & androgen secreting adrenal tumors- high circulating androgen levels & polycystic ovaries with anovulation.

Endometrial biopsy to rule out endometrial hyperplasia and/or carcinoma, if needed.


Lifestyle modification including changes to diet and physical activity.

Obese PCOS- weight reduction and exercise, effective in reversing the metabolic effects & in inducing ovulation.

If not responding may be added metformin, that is beneficial in metabolic or glucose abnormality, & may useful in improving menstrual function.

Initial dose of metformin is 500 mg daily for 1 week, increase 500 mg/week, 2,000 mg/day divided doses, taken with food.

Contraceptive counseling to prevent unplanned pregnancy if return of ovulatory cycles occurs.

Women seeking pregnancy & remain anovulatory- clomiphene used for ovarian stimulation, is first-line therapy for infertility.

If fails, treatment with gonadotropins, at low dose to reduce risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.

Letrozole may first-line for ovulation induction.

Not desire pregnancy or contraception- medroxyprogesterone acetate 10 mg/day orally

for the first 10 days in every 1–3 months, for regular shedding of endometrium & to avoid endometrial hyperplasia.

Contraception desired- combination hormonal contraceptives (pill, ring, or patch), useful in controlling hirsutism, continued for 6–12 months for results. Low-dose OCPs (30 to 35 μg)

Levonorgestrel-releasing IUD to minimize uterine bleeding & protect from endometrial hyperplasia, not useful to control hirsutism.

Acne treatment: OCPs with low-androgenicity progestins (like norethindrone, desogestrel, norgestimate) & Spironolactone useful.

Hirsutism- (details in hirsutism video)

Spironolactone, 25-200 mg daily devided doses.

Flutamide, 125–250 mg orally daily.

Finasteride, 2.5- 7.5 mg orally daily.

These are teratogenic, so use contraception.

Topical Eflornithine hydrochloride 13.9% cream BID, depilatory creams, electrolysis, and laser therapy, waxing.

Weight loss, exercise, treatment of metabolic problems useful in preventing cardiovascular events.

Regular monitoring of weight, lipid profiles & glucose.

Adolescent PCOS- option hormonal contraceptives & metformin.



Please consult in clinic, then start medicine according to diagnosis.

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