Pan D side effects

Pan D side effects

SmartSelect 20200729 011619 Edge

so question is clear

Question 2nd is it same as Pan 40?

No, both are different

1st can I take pan-d without consulting my doctor ?

No, You have to read this

Pan 40 contains pantoprazole 40 mg.
Pan D contains pantoprazole 40 mg + Domperidone 30 MG.
so it has domperidone extra.
Domperidone have some side effects like dry mouth, loose stool, headache, rashes, galactorrhoea.
Domperidone is used for antiemetic and prokinetic purposes.
Not much problem in perfectly normal person, if is age more than 12 years, with no past medical, psychiatric complications or disease.
This medicine is sold in pharmacy over the counters you can buy from same store but try to take after personal doctor visit.

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Pan D side effects


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