Hyperkalemia Treatment
Normal serum potassium is 3.5 – 5.0 mEq/L
serum potassium more than 5.0 mEq/L.
Hyperkalemia causes
> Renal failure, type 4 Renal tubular acidosis
> Pseudohyperkalemia- leakage from erythrocyte when processing of serum from clot is delayed
> Overdose of potassium supplementation
> hypokalemic periodic paralysis, insulin deficiency
> Adison disease
> Shift potassium extracellularly- Acidosis, Rhabdomyolysis, severe infection, haemolysis, burn, internal bleeding, vigorous exercise, etc
> Drugs
1. Potassium sparing diuretics, 2. ACE Inhibitors, 3. Beta blockers, 4. Combinations of above drugs, spironolactone, eplerenone, NSAIDS triamterene, cyclosporine etc.
Clinical feature- Hyperkalemia symptoms and Signs
Muscle weakness, ileus flaccid paralysis, fatigue, dizziness
Hyperkalemia Diagnosis
- Serum potassium more than 5.0 mEq/L.
- ECG changes
(May not always parallel serum potassium levels)
— Tall and peaked T waves (> 5.5mEq/L)
— Wide QRS complex (> 6.0mEq/L.)
— Absent P wave (> 7mEq/L)
— Sine wave indicates imminent ventricular standstill, ventricular fibrillation and Cardiac Arrest- terminal (> 8.0mEq/L)
Hyperkalemia Treatment:
1. Stop all potassium containing food and fluids. (Fruits, tender coconut water, fresh vegetables and coffee)
2. Stop all medications that can increase potassium
4. In Mild hyperkalemia ( serum K+ 5- 6mEq/L) Correct acidosis- Tablet Sodium bicarbonate 500 mg TID, K- bind sachet 1/3 rd od, tab. Frusemide 40 mg sos
5. In Moderate hyperkalaemia (K of 6-8mEgL) and ECG does mot show any abnormality othe than tall T waves.
- continue all of the above treatment, 50 ml of 50% glucose IV wih 8 units of regular insulin or
8 units of plai insulin in 500ml 5%D IV over 6 hours, in no urgency
Insulin shift potassium from extracellular to intracellular is the fastest way
- 100 ml 8.4% Sodium bicarbonate over 15minutes can be given instead. If calcinem gluconate needs to be given then Sodium bicarbonate in better avoided as can bind to calcium
- Beta2 agonist nebulization- salbutamol Q6 hourly
6. In Severe hyperkalaemia (serum K>8 mEgL)
- To reverse the cardiac effects of K give 10ml 10% calcium gluconate IV over 10minutes with monitoring of ECG.
- Repeat calcium gluconate dose if there is no response after 5 minutes.
- continue all of the above treatment
- Still, if there is no response consider Dialysis for resistant life-threatening hyperkalemia.
Treatment of Hypermagnasaemia
(symptomatic) > 3mg%
- 10ml 10% calcium gluconate in 100ml 5%D over 30 minutes
- Inj. Frusemide 40-80mg IV 6 hourly
- Haemodialysis in the presence of renal failure
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