General Question Answer- Drugs


General Question Answer- Drugs use and side effects

General Question Answer- Drugs use and side effects

  1. QUESTION- Can I take over the counter medicine from medical store? ANSWER- no, you must consult doctor personally.
  2. QUESTION- Do I need to consult physically in clinic every time if I have some problems? ANSWER- Yes you do, but if doctor knows you personally, then he can decide personally what is necessary or doctor may consider for telemedicine.
  3. PARACETAMOL- QUESTION- Can 40-year-old person take PARACETAMOL? ANSWER- YES, If no prior allergy to PARACETAMOL OR LIVER DISEASE OR ANY MEDICAL CONDITION WHERE PARACETAMOL IS CONTRAINDICATED. SIDE EFFECT OF PARACETAMOL- NAUSEA, RASHES, ALLERGY, LEUKOPENIA ETC. USE- mild painkiller, antipyretic (for fever). routine dose 500 mg three times a day. POISONING- IF MORE THAN 150 mg/kg (OR MORE THAN 10 gm IN AN ADULT) TAKEN IN A DAY, if yes then consult doctor.
  4. QUE- Heart patient can take PARACETAMOL? ANSWER- YES, if no contraindications told by your cardiologist.
  5. QUE-DROTIN-DS tablet me paracetamol hai kya? ANSWER- NO, it contains DROTAVERINE 80MG.
  6. QUE- PARACETAMOL jukam ke liye hai kya? ANSWER- NO, ye bhukhar aur painkiller ke liye hai.
  8. QUE- MEASUREMENTS WITH PARACETAMOL? ANSWER- Should be taken with food, if any old medical problem history present then take care of that with doctor consult.
  9. QUE- Pantoprazole drug use for what purpose & what are its side effects? ANS- Acidity, stomach discomfort, peptic ulcer, ZES, GERD, Aspiration pneumonia, etc. And it has minimal side effects like nausea, loose stool, chest pain, facial edema, headache, dizziness, abdominal pain, rashes, etc.
  10. QUE- Domperidone drug use for what purpose & what are its side effects? ANS- Domperidone is used for antiemetic and prokinetic purposes. Domperidone have some side effects like dry mouth, loose stool, headache, rashes, galactorrhea, etc.
  11. Other antiemetic drugs are Ondansetron, Metoclopramide, etc.
  12. QUE- Aspirin- drug use for what purpose & what are its side effects? ANS- Aspirin is NSAID used for pain, heart attack (MI, ACS, CAD), Ischemic stroke, anti-inflammatory, acute rheumatic fever, anti pyretic, etc. Aspirin have some side effects like abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, urticaria, liver damage, edema, bleeding, etc.
  13. Other NSAIDs are Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Aceclofenac, Etodolac, Etoricoxib, Paracetamol, etc.
  14. QUE- Cetirizine, Levocetirizine – drug use for what purpose & what are its side effects? ANS- Cetirizine, Levocetirizine are used for Allergy, urticaria, atopic dermatitis, Itching, etc. Side effects are- sedation less with levocetirizine, dry mouth, fatigue, dizziness, disturbed coordination, anorexia, nausea, etc. AVIL is also used for same purpose.
  15. QUE- Amoxicillin– drug use for what purpose & what are its side effects? ANS- Amoxicillin is used for Ear, nose, throat, genitourinary, skin, upper, lower & upper respiratory tract infection. H. Pylori infection, Lyme disease, Chlamydial infection in pregnancy, etc. Side effects are- Anaphylaxis, anemia, diarrhea, headache, nausea, rash, etc.

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30 thoughts on “General Question Answer- Drugs”

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