Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

COPD (DAMA in Hindi)

   Clinical Features:

  • Seen more in male than females
  • More than 50 years of age
  • Breathlessness (Dyspnoea on exertion) > 2 years duration
  • Cough with expectoration
  • Seen in smokers
  • Present as exacerbation of breathlessness

Physical Examination :

  • Increase in Respiratory rate, use of accessory muscles of respiration.
  • Look for cyanosis & features of respiratory failure (flapping tremor, bounding pulses, cyanosis & drowsiness).
  • Look for elevated JVP, edema (to rule out cor-pulmonale)
  • Chest-barrel shaped, Air entry reduced bilaterally, expiratory wheeze can be heard.
  • Crepitations indicate infection.

Investigations :

  • SpO2
  • ECG (to rule out cardiac cause)
  • ABG (to look for respiratory acidosis)
  • Chest Xray required only if their is suspicion of pneumothorax or malingnacy or pneumonia
  • Spirometry is needed for definitive diagnosis & long term management is based on post-broncho-dilator FEV1(COPD FEV1<80℅)

Treatment of Acute exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

  1. Propped up position
  2. Oxygen inhalation if SpO2 <92℅
  3. I/V Deriphyllin 100 mg stat
  4. Inj. Hydrocortisone 100mg IV stat, then Q8H
  5. If orally tolerable, give oral prednisolone 1-2mg/kg (usually 30mg OD for 5 days)
  6. If very severe can give IV Methylprednisolone 125mg Q8H
  7. Nebulisation with ipratropium + Levosalbutamol Q6H/ Q8H
  8. If crepitations present, add antibiotics:- Tab. Azithromycin 500 OD×5 days Or Tab. Mox-Clav 625mg 1-1-1×5days
  9. Oral or I/V Doxofyllin 400 mg Q8H is safe for cardiac arrhythmia prone patients

Indication for Antibiotics :

     In the presence of three cardinal symptoms ( increased dyspnoea, sputum volume and sputum purulence) or any two out of the three cardinal symptoms if one of the symptoms is sputum purulence & patient with a need for mechanical ventilation.

Long term management of COPD

(Based on post-bronchodilator FEV1)

                    Stage 1       FEV1>/=80℅ predicted         1) smoking cessation.

                                                                                      2) Short acting Beta agonist.

                                                                                            eg. Salbutamol MDI

                   Stage 2        FEV1 50-79℅                      1) Long acting Bronchodilator

                                                                                           eg. Salmeterol MDI 75mcg OD

                                                                                      2) pulmonary rehabilitation.

                   Stage 3        FEV1 30-49℅                      1) Add acting Bronchodilator

                                                                                          eg. Budesonide + Formoterol

                                                                                         ( symbicort) DPI 2 puff BD

                                                                                       2) oxygen if needed

                  Stage 4         FEV1<30℅ or                       All the above + surgical treatment.

                                        FEV1<50℅+ Chronic

                                        Respiratory failure



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