Cholera Diarrhea Treatment

Cholera gastroenteritis / Cholera Diarrhea Treatment

Cholera is acute diarrheal disease, toxin mediated, caused by certain serotypes of Vibrio cholerae.

Cholera Causes:

Bacteria- vibrio Cholera, comma shape.

secretory diarrhoea- O1 and O139 serotypes of waterborne, toxin-producing Vibrio cholerae.

Drinking infected water or ingestion of contaminated food after ravel to endemic area and or contact with infected person.

Cholera Symptoms:

mild cholera- diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.

severe cholera- profuse watery diarrhoea, 1 to 15 litres/day. 

Characteristic “Rice watery stool” – Liquid stool- grey colour, turbid, no odor, pus or blood.

Causes Rapid and marked dehydration, profound hypovolemia, shock and may cause death of patients.

Fever, vomiting uncommon.


Hypovolemic shock.

acute renal failure.

mild to severe electrolyte disturbances- hyponatremia, hypoglycemia, hypokalemia, hypocalcemia.

Ischemic complications in hypovolemia like myocardial infarction, stroke.


Positive agglutination and stool culture of vibrios. 

On stool sample or swab- Darkfield microscopy & immunoassays such as dipstick test.


Rapid rehydration- is most important to save life

 Oral rehydration solution (ORS) or Intravenous fluid (normal saline or lactated ringer). then

Cap. Doxycycline 3oomg stat or

Tab. Azithromycin 1gm stat,

Specific antibiotics- tetracycline, fluoroquinolone, chloramphenicol, azithromycin and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.

If vomiting- I/V Ondansetron 4 mg sos.

If Acidity- I/V Pantoprazole 40 mg sos.

supportive care, I/V fluids and Doxycycline play important role in treatment of cholera diarrhoea/ gastroenteritis.

A vaccine is available, two doses 1–4 weeks apart, booster dose every 6 months.

Dr Rakesh Ukey MD.

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1 thought on “Cholera Diarrhea Treatment”

  1. Very importative information about cholera diarrhoea treatment and it’s very useful information. Thank you sir

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