Bell’s Palsy Treatment

Bell’s Palsy Treatment, case discussion


patient came to clinic with compliant of inability to close left eye since 3 days. And with up rolling of left eye. Deviation of angle of mouth to right side. Drooling of saliva and water from left side of mouth.

Bell’s Palsy Treatment

Diagnosed with Bell’s palsy. Lower motor neuron facial palsy. Poor patient not willing for investigations.

Bell’s Palsy treatment

Treatment started with oral Prednisolone 1mg/kg so 60mg (Bells palsy steroid dose), showed less improvement. started on Acyclovir and Doxycycline but less improvement.

Then started I/V methylprednisolone, physiotherapy and supportive care.

Patient was better on day 2. And 95%recovery on day 3. 100% better on day 7. Treated successfully. He is doing well now.

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