July 2021


Hantavirus: Cause, Symptoms, Signs, Investigations, Treatment, Prevention. Enveloped RNA bunyaviruses- hosted naturally in rodents, moles, and shrews. Transmitted by rodents. Aerosols of virus-contaminated rodent urine and feces are main mode of transmission. Occupation is the main risk factor: animal trappers, forestry workers, farmers, laboratory personnel, and military personnel.  two clinical syndromes:  Hemorrhagic fever with renal

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Dengue Treatment

Dengue Treatment- Cause, Symptoms, Signs, Investigations, Prevention. Dengue cause:- Dengue virus is Flavivirus, mosquito born acute febrile illness, human to human transmission by the bite of Aedes mosquito. and four serotypes, can cause infection. one serotype does not confer immunity to other, so Dengue can infect 4 times. needlestick or mucocutaneous exposure & vertical transmission

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Zika virus Treatment

Zika virus Treatment- Symptoms, Complications, Investigations, Prevention Zika virus is a flavivirus. Transmitted primarily by Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. Clinical Findings Incubation period- 3–14 days. 50–80% infections are asymptomatic. Zika virus Symptoms-  Acute onset fever. Fine maculopapular rash, usually pruritic, in face, trunk, extremities including  palms & soles. Rash may not always present but outlast the

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Mucormycosis (Black Fungus- Eschar) Causes, Symptoms, Invesigations, Treatment

Mucormycosis (Black Fungus Eschar) Causes, Symptoms, Invesigations, Treatment Causes Of Mucormycosis:- Most common-non-Aspergillus invasive mold infection. Mucormycosis- opportunistic infections, caused by Rhizopus, Mucor, Lichtheimia & Cunninghamella. Risk factors: hematologic malignancy (leukemia), diabetic ketoacidosis, chronic kidney disease, stem cell transplantation, solid organ transplantation, and treatment with corticosteroids (eg. used in COVID- 19 treatment), desferoxamine, or cytotoxic

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