August 2020


Hypokalemia Causes • Loop diuretics Vomiting and diarrhea Diuresis including diuretic phase of ARF On IV fluids without supplementation of potassium. Features ECG changes-T wave flattening, inversion, ST depression, prominent U and P waves,  low voltage QRS and bradycardia. Muscle weakness, absent deep tendon reflexes and diminished bowel sounds. Hypokalemia Treatment Mild hypokalemia (serum K’

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Psychiatry In Medicine

Psychiatry In Medicine Aggressive Psychiatric patient: Inj. Serenace 5mg (Haloperidol) +Phenergan 12.5mg IM stat. Psychiatric consultation. Alcohol withdrawal: For withdrawal syndromes (anxiety, sweating, tremor, impairment of sleep,    convulsions, hallucination) Inj. Lorazepam or Diazepam or Chlordiazepoxide (librium) 1 amp slow IV stat. Inj. Thiamine 100 mg IV stat. Tab. Lorazepam 2mg 1-1-2 or tab Dizepam 5mg

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Scrub Typhus

Scrub Typhus Cause, Symptoms, Signs, Investigations, Treatment Infective organism: Orientia Tsutsugamushi is parasite of rodents & transmitted by bite of Chiggers (larval trombiculid mites). humans infected when encounter infested vegetation (grass and brush), where mites live. Bite will be unidentified and painless. Vertical transmission present & blood transfusions may transmit pathogen. Incubation period: 1 to

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Fever Evaluation

Approach to Fever Evaluation/ short Febrile Illness Sepsis: In infants and children sick looking, poor activity, toxic. Ask about feeding and urine output. Myocarditis: Tachycardia out of proportion (>10 beats/ degree F Or >18 beats/degree C. Pneumonia: Tachypnea out of proportion (RR>30/’) Meningitis: Altered sensorium Impeding shock: Always check BP sick patients Common foci of

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Septicemia Cellulitis Treatment

Septicemia Cellulitis Treatment Organisms 1. staphylococcus aureus; 2. streptococcus pyogenes Septicemia Cellulitis Treatment  Ampicillin with Cloxacillin Igm V Q6H+ Gentamicin 3-5 mg/kg as single dose daily or  Amoxyelav 1.2gm IV Q8H+ Gentamicin/ Tobramycin 3-5 mg/kg/day IV Amikacin 15mg/ kg day IV OD +  or  Ciprofloxacin 200mg IV Q12H  or  Cefazoline Igm IV Q12H  For serious

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Septicemia Abdominal Infections Treatment

Septicemia Abdominal Infections Treatment Organisms responsible 1.Enterobacteriaceae 2.Streptococcus faecalis 3.E.coli 4.Klebsiella 5.Anaerobes like Bacteroids, gram-negative aerobic and facultative organisms. Investigations   CBC   Blood culture   USG Septicemia Abdominal Infections Treatment 1. Cefaperazone with Sulbactum 1-2 Cefpirome 1-2gm IV Q12H or Ceftazidime 1-2gms IV Q8H IV Q12H or Ceftazidime 1-2 gm IV Q 8H+ Metronidazole 500mg Q8H Or

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Urinary Tract Infection Treatment

                   Urinary Tract Infection Treatment (Septicemia) Clinical features   Fever with chills and rigors, Dysuria, lower abdominal pain and loin pain Investigations   CBC Urine microscopy   Urine culture   Blood culture   USG Organisms responsible  1. E.coli 2. Klebsiella 3. Proteus 4. Enterobacter 5. Pseudomonas 6. Enterococcus faecalis 7. Staphylococcus aureus Urinary Tract Infection Treatment In patients who

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Pneumonia Treatment

Pneumonia Treatment Introduction Pneumonia it means consolidation is defined as Inflammation in lung, characterized by accumulation of secretion and inflammatory cells in alveoli. Clinical features Of Pneumonia: Frequent symptoms: Fever- high grade, associated with chills and rigor. Cough Productive- mucoid, purulent or blood tinged, rusty. Non productive Pleuritic chest pain. Dyspnoea. Less frequent symptoms: Nausea,

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Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease COPD (DAMA in Hindi)    Clinical Features: Seen more in male than females More than 50 years of age Breathlessness (Dyspnoea on exertion) > 2 years duration Cough with expectoration Seen in smokers Present as exacerbation of breathlessness Physical Examination : Increase in Respiratory rate, use of accessory muscles of respiration.

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Definition Stroke (means Lakava in hindi) is a medical emergency and is characterized by the sudden onset of neurologic deficit of cerebrovascular origin. Associated with hypertension, diabetes mellitus, tobacco use, atrial fibrillation, atherosclerosis, etc. Stroke classification:- Ischemic stroke Hemorrhagic stroke Thromboticstep wise progression of symptoms Intra cerebral hemorrhageHeadache, vomiting, impaired consciousness embolicmaximum deficit at the

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